Kids hit the books early

A new program for the Southern Downs.

AN early literacy program for preschoolers is being launched on the Southern Downs.
The Southern Downs Regional Council Library Service, in partnership with the State Library of Queensland, is promoting early and family literacy in the Southern Downs region through the first5forever literacy program.
Southern Downs principal librarian Samantha Shelbourn said the library service was excited about bringing the program to the region.
“The first5forever program aims to support stronger language and literacy environments for young children aged 0-5 years and their parents and caregivers,” she said.
“Through public libraries and community service points, the first5forever program provides increased access to literacy resources and information that may help to encourage a love and appreciation of books, shared reading and life-long learning.
“We all know that babies and children love stories and that they learn best from the important people around them.
“Parents and primary caregivers are directly supported through the program to be confident in the role as their child’s first and most important teacher.
“We’re hoping that ‘first5forever’ fever spreads throughout the region.”
As part of the program, the Southern Downs Library Service has already offered local health and community organisations, such as medical centres and banks, a free selection of age-appropriate books that support early learning, to be placed in waiting areas.
“There has been a great response to the first round of offers and over a dozen kits have already been delivered to organisations in Warwick, Stanthorpe and Allora,” Ms Shelbourn said.
Any organisation in the Southern Downs region that would like to participate in the first5forever program by receiving these resources, or would just like further information about the initiative, please contact the library service on 4661 0342.
Any group that has already received an invitation to participate, can still contact the council on the above number to register their interest.