Playing hosts to Lions Markets

By Tania Phillips

INGLEWOOD will be the entertainment centre of the Southern Downs this weekend – well almost.
The town is playing host to the Lions Markets, and hopefully the second annual Show and Shine.
Organising team spokesman Eric McGlashan said the event would be held at the Lions Park, just over the bridge if you’re coming from Warwick, from 8am with judging after 10am.
“We had 60-70 entrants last year, and we’re hoping for a similar number or a bit more this time,” he said.
The event is a fund-raiser for the whole local SES Unit – all four groups. With the money being used to buy whatever might be needed especially extra equipment aimed at making life easier for the volunteers.
He said as well as the cars there would be entertainment by a local dance group and music by Geoff Brown as well as the Lions Market.
Inglewood are also playing host to the junior football grand final on the Saturday and seniors on the Sunday.