Origin One minus Slater

This picture of the 1969 Houghton Cup grand finalists took on extra significance for many former players this week with the passing of Vic Bennett a former Stanthorpe player and coach. Sadly there will be three missing places at the table when this group next meets. Bennett, John Scott and John McGrath have all left us but should not be forgotten. Those who played under the Stanthorpe Rugby League banner prior to the formation of the Gremlins left a strong and rich legacy which should never be overlooked. Back row from left, Neil (Casey) O'Connor, David Haynes, John Scott, Bob Webb, John McGrath, Lester Mason, Don Brown. Front row from left, Gary Smith, Eric Smith, Vic Bennett, Dennis Pennisi (captain coach), Raff Euler, Barry Mapes and Mickey Campbell.

The die has been cast and the teams announced for next week’s Origin One. Selections on both sides of the […]

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