Q&A with Leanne Cameron

Leanne Cameron.

This week’s Q&A is with Warwick identity Leanne Cameron. Many would know her from her work with LJ Hooker Warwick. Thank you for your time and insight Leanne!

If you could spend 24 hours anywhere, any year, where would you choose?

I would choose to be right here at home with my Sons, their Families, my Beautiful Granddaughters and their Doggos too!

What’s something people may not know about you?

That I lack confidence, my World / Life and all that unfolds within it each and every day are my teacher, my mistakes my lessons. Falling over / being knocked over, dusting off your knees, standing up and getting on with it, the Joy of it all is growth, it’s how I roll.

How do you relax after a long day?

Either of these, a long Walk, a trip to Lake Leslie to watch the Sun set, throw the ball to my energetic little doggos, Garden for a while, sit and watch some of my favourite programs on the ABC or SBS.

What are you most grateful for?

Health in Life, being blessed with such remarkable Sons, my Happiness, for having employment to provide well for myself, enough so I’m not a burden to anyone now or in the future, I have been truly blessed for all that life has dealt me and taught me over the years. Tough lessons, but lessons none the less that have strengthened me for the rest of it. I might be high-maintenance, but at least I can maintain myself!

What would your last meal on earth be?

A local Carey & Sons ‘eye-fillet’ with garden fresh vegetables from Rose City Fruit & Veg… Oh and of course with a glass of PepperJack Shiraz from Boots & the Warwick Hotel Team…

Do you prefer coffee or tea?

I enjoy both, Coffee first thing in the morning, Green Tea my preference outside of my morning Coffee ritual…

What are you currently reading and what’s the best book you’ve read?

Sidney Sheldon – The Other Side of Midnight

What is your favourite spot in our region?

Driving around the Granite Belt, I adore the large granite boulders set amongst the neat and well tended orchards and vineyards, Storm King Dam, Leslie Dam and Cambanoora Gorge at Killarney are truly my heaven on Earth places to wind some time away when I am able to do so…

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

“If you can be anything in this World, be Kind…”

Which six guests, dead or alive, would be invited to your ultimate dinner party?

George Michael, Audrey Hepburn, Celine Dion & Husband Rene, Andre Bocelli & wife Veronica Berti

What is your favourite movie?

The Constant Gardener