Second Ambassador signs up

Jessica Johnson moved to the Granite Belt region about eight years ago from Mackay – a weather change for sure. After finishing her senior year at Stanthorpe High in 2010, Jessica is currently studying Certificate 3 in Tourism through TAFE, whilst working for IGA.
Recently Jessica moved into town from Glen Aplin and is busy trying to find the garden at the new place.
“The garden is a work in progress, bit by bit. My other passion is scrapbooking and going to the gym, the Zumba classes are my favourite.
“I put my hand up to become a young ambassador as I believe it will be a wonderful experience for me. The courses the young ambassador program offer, like Toastmasters speech craft, etiquette and deportment, will build up my confidence and self-esteem.
“I’ll love just learning new things about the area. I’m very thankful for Granite Belt Fruit Freighters’ sponsorship and am looking forward to working closely with them,” Jessica said.
Have you thought about becoming a young ambassador? There are great prizes, you can meet new friends, and learn some skills to take with you through life. What are you waiting for? Contact Liz Duell on 4681 4111 or email for details on becoming a young ambassador
or a sponsor.