Stanthorpe hosts naval conference

Last weekend the recently formed Stanthorpe and District Naval Sub Section hosted the 56th Conference of the Queensland Section of the Naval Association of Australia (NAA).
Delegates from NAA and naval personnel from across the State travelled to Stanthorpe to attend the annual conference at the Queensland College of Wine Tourism.
They were joined by represent-atives, affiliate representatives, Ms Alison Stanley, Deputy Commissioner Veteran Affairs and Commander Lachlin King, Navy Headquarters South Queensland (Bulimba).
A group of current naval cadets and commanding officer Michael Bienon and petty officer Kris Clein also attended the conference.
The highlight of the conference was undoubtedly the memorial service and formal dinner, which was held as part of the celebrations commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Royal
Australian Navy.
President of the Stanthorpe Sub Section Norm Gale said, “It is a great honour for Stanthorpe to host the conference.
“Stanthorpe is such a newly formed association and we are proud to welcome so many visitors to our region.”
Mr Gale said it was a unique opportunity for colleagues and peers, past and present, to spend some
time together.