Using earth as building material

At last month’s meeting of the Border Landcare Organic Group (BLOG), poultry consultant, Michael Sommerlad, gave those present a fascinating insight into the world of chooks.
His vast experience enabled him to answer every one of the multitude of questions people posed and his infectious enthusiasm captivated even those who had reservations about our feathered friends.
The organic ‘tip of the month’ from Michael is to use diatomaceous earth to kill internal parasites. This is also an excellent product for controlling grubs in the garden.
This month’s meeting will involve a practical demonstration of building in rammed earth. This is an inexpensive medium which produces an interesting, rustic finish and is admirably suited to our climate.
The presentation will be at the home of Mark Carter and will consist of actually building a rammed earth wall. Mark’s place is in Barker Lane. From Stanthorpe take the Amiens Road, turn right into Cannon Creek Road, then right into Barker Lane and follow the BLOG signs.
The meeting is this Saturday, March 26, and will start with morning tea at 10am (Queensland time). The demonstration will start at 11am, followed by lunch about 12.30pm. Bring lunch or morning tea to share, cup, plate, a chair and a hat. The meeting is free and visitors are most welcome. Information on BLOG activities can be found at