Calls for upgrade of Eight Mile intersection – Safety measures can be implemented soon

A road safety advisory group chairman and a local driving instructor say there are some quick and inexpensive measures that can be implemented soon to dramatically improve the dangerous Eight Mile intersection.
The push for safety improve-ments come just shortly after young Warwick teacher Jane Ezzy lost her life in a crash at the intersection.
Warwick and District Road Safety Advisory Group chairman Graham Buchner said there were a number of short-term measures that could be implemented, which could potentially reduce the number of crashes at the site.
These include repositioning the Allora/Toowoomba direct-ional sign to give a clearer vision for the second vehicle at the stop sign; directional arrows should be placed on the road surface to clear up any confusion on where drivers should go; and a camera for Police use should be installed, which films people not fully stopping at the stop sign.
“The only ultimate solution is an overpass, which we know is a long, long way away,” Mr Buchner said.
“There are too many accidents there and a number of people have been killed at that intersection,” he said.
Local driving instructor Gail Lobley agreed with Mr Buchner but believed other safety measures like a flashing amber light and overhead directional signs prior to the Eight Mile intersection would pre-warn drivers of the need to take caution.
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