Captain Grant Prendergast commemorates ANZAC Day with Warwick community

Captain Grant Prendergast will perform the duties of reviewing officer at Warwick ANZAC Day services on April 25.
Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham said Captain Prendergast will join officials outside the Town Hall at 10.55am to take the salute from servicemen and women, before proceeding to the Cenotaph where he will be guest speaker at the 11am service.
Captain Prendergast was educated and raised on a large sheep and cattle station in northern New South Wales. Upon finishing school he enlisted in the Australian Army and was allocated to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps.
He started his career as a Trooper in an Armoured Fighting Vehicle Regiment and quickly rose through the ranks to Corporal and Armoured Fighting Vehicle Commander.
Whilst in the Army, Captain Prendergast attended the University of New England where he studied a Bachelor of Asian Cultures and Linguistics. In early 2000, Captain Prendergast deployed with the United Nations Peace Keeping Force to East Timor as Armoured Fighting Vehicle Commander. Upon his return to Australia he was posted to several locations around Australia.
One of the highlights of his military career was being posted as Company Sergeant Major to an Infantry Regiment, where he trained Infantry soldiers. A further career highlight was being in command of an armoured reconnaissance and surveillance troop.
In early 2007 he was commissioned as an Armoured Officer.
Captain Prendergast has held appointments with the United States Army as well as being posted to the 6th Royal Australian Regiment, 2nd/14th Queensland Mounted Infantry, University of New South Wales Regiment, Royal Military College Duntroon, 12th/16th Hunter Rivers Lancers and the 8th/9th Royal Australian Regiment.
Captain Prendergast has recently returned from East Timor where he was part of the International Stabilisation Force, working closely with elements of the East Timorese government.
Captain Prendergast is currently posted to HQ 1st Division Gallipoli Barracks, Brisbane.
He has a keen interest in the agricultural industry and in his spare time is a sheep and cattle grazier in the Armidale and Tamworth districts.