Peace and poetry at Festival breakfast

They may be thought an unlikely pairing but poetry and peace go hand in hand as organisers prepare for the 2011 Peace Festival’s Poets’ Breakfast.
The breakfast has been a popular and well attended event at each festival and organisers expect it will again attract an enthusiastic crowd on Sunday, May 1 between 8am and 10am.
Whilst disappointed that the riverside venue at Queens Park will not be used this year due to January’s flood damage, festival organiser Ruth Power is confident that the new location in Leslie Park will be an equally peaceful and attractive spot for poets to parade their prose.
“Leslie Park is always a beautiful environment to spend time in and, with good rainfall helping the trees and gardens to flourish, it will be an ideal replacement in 2011,” Mrs Power said.
Different forms of poetry are sure to be aired, as the event attracts poets of various genres.
“Let the poet in you stand up and be heard or just come along to hear and support local poets having a go,” Mrs Power said.
“The poetry is sometimes funny, sometimes moving but always an enjoyable way to get together over a scrumptious breakfast.
“We encourage local poets of all ages to participate and particularly want to encourage children and young people to join in and have a go at expressing themselves in rhyme.”
Poetry games will again be featured, including the three-minute challenge where participants attempt to complete a poem in that time. This has brought out some great rhymes and great talent in the past.
Included in the ticket price will be a wide range of breakfast items as well as bottomless cups of tea and coffee. Interested poets or audience members should contact the Peace Festival office on 4661 5420 or