Community support for our 150th

Warwick residents and even visitors supported the many community events held recently in celebration of Warwick’s 150th birthday.
Southern Downs Regional Councillors dressed up in period costume and re-enacted the council’s first meeting, much to the enjoyment of a packed Warwick Town Hall on May 25.
On Saturday night, the Mayoral Gala Charity Dinner was well supported as was the Grand Finale “Party in the Park” family fun day on Sunday.
These events followed on from the success of the variety nights, one of which Queensland Premier Anna Bligh attended, on Saturday, May 21.
Mayor Ron Bellingham thought the celebrations overall were excellent and well-supported.
“I’m very pleased with the number of people who donated their time (to make the celebrations possible) and those who came out to celebrate what was a big milestone for us,” Cr Bellingham said.
“It’s just been a great week. All the comments I’ve received have been incredibly positive,” he said.
“It reinforced the sense of community that we should value and we do.”
Cr Bellingham was unable to give attendance figures for each event but said they were all well supported.

Story: Rebecca Brown