Anxious wait

Wallangarra resident Reniet McKay is anxiously waiting for the latest test results for her little girl, who was diagnosed with leukaemia on May 27.
The test results, expected within days, will determine whether four-year-old Faith McKay will need to continue intensive chemotherapy treatments beyond the initial six-month period.
The duo was rushed to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane by helicopter in May and has been there ever since.
Forced to quit her job immediately and to leave her other two children – Bethany, 12, and Connor, 8, – in Wallangarra with their grandmother, Ms McKay is hoping they will all be reunited at home before Christmas.
“She’s responding well to the treatment,” Ms McKay said.
If Faith is given the okay to return home, they will then need to travel to Brisbane at least once a month for two years for follow-ups.
Ms McKay has been overwhelmed with the support they’ve received from both the Wallangarra and Tenterfield communities who have donated thousands of dollars to the family to help cover the costs of treatment and travel.
Collection boxes are available at a number of businesses in Wallangarra and Tenterfield.

Story: Rebecca Brown