Sophie represents Stanthorpe

St  Joseph’s Year 10 student Sophie Sims competed in the District Leo of the Year competition held on Sunday, August 7, at Merrimac State High School in Mermaid Waters.
Eight Leos from across northern New South Wales, the Gold Coast, Brisbane and country areas travelled to the coast to compete.  District Leo Club Chairman John Wearne was thrilled to have Sophie enter as it was the first time Stanthorpe has been represented at the event
Sophie went through judging criteria which included a 20-30 minute interview with the judging panel, a series of questions about Leos and Lions, Australian and world affairs and then a five-minute prepared speech that was presented to the audience.
Sophie heard about the competition at a Leos meeting in April from the Leo Advisor at that time, Mr Kurt Empen.
“Mr Empen mentioned the Leo of the Year competition and gave us the link to the website for further details. I thought it would be a great experience and decided to fill in the six-page entry form,” Sophie said.
“The entry form was about me, my Leo history, my community service, achievements, interests and hobbies, educational background and my knowledge of Lions and Leos.
“Although I didn’t win, I had a wonderful experience and enjoyed the journey getting there.”
Mr Wearne has encouraged Sophie to enter again next year.
“I’m so glad I entered as it was such a terrific experience for me and it wasn’t that difficult,” Sophie said.
“I have always wanted to try for the Lions Youth of the Year when I’m in Year 12, so I thought this would be great stepping stone.”
Sophie received a Certificate of Participation and the District Governor Lorraine McKenzie, who was present at the competition, gave all the entrants her pin for 2011/2012.
Following the competition, Sophie and her mum attended a Stanthorpe Lions Club meeting. President Joy Bonogoure was thrilled that Sophie had entered the competition and had represented the Stanthorpe Club.
“I told the Lions members what I had learnt about the Leo of the Year competition and what I’d gained from entering,” Sophie said.
“I was proud to tell them that I did quite well on my Leo and Lions knowledge but probably need to work on my world affairs a bit. I asked them if they would like to listen to my speech which they did. It was a pleasure to share this with them all and I’m glad they got to hear it.
“I would like to thank President Bonogoure for her kind invitation to the meeting for mum and myself and to everyone there for making us feel so very welcome. I was honoured to represent the Stanthorpe Lions Club.”