Community celebration

After the death of Peter Salzke in February this year, his family decided to set up a fund to enable the purchase of a state of the art palliative care bed for the Stanthorpe General Hospital.
With a target of about $10,500 set, the community reached deep into its pockets. Such was the community support, two beds were able to be purchased.
The beds were delivered to the Stanthorpe Hospital in August and are now in use in the palliative care wing.
To celebrate our generous Stanthorpe community and the overwhelming success of the Salzke Memorial Fund, a Community Gathering will be held on Saturday, September 10, at 1pm in the Allied Health Rooms at the Stanthorpe Hospital.
There will be a light afternoon tea served. To enable numbers for catering purposes, please RSVP by Wednesday, September 7, by calling Cynthia Hickson on (07) 4681 5222.
Jackie and Sonja Salzke very much hope you will be able to attend.