Wendy’s bands together

Throughout the month of October, Wendy’s Warwick will be selling bandannas to help raise funds to support young Australians living with cancer.
The store will be participating in CanTeen’s National Bandanna Day with bandannas now available leading up to the event on October 28.
Wendy’s has supported CanTeen for many years but participation in this year’s Bandanna Day holds extra significance – Wendy’s has just formalised its relationship with CanTeen, signing on as a major national partner for the next three years.
“We’re very pleased to be supporting Bandanna Day again this year and we’re even more excited about the Wendy’s network joining forces with CanTeen as a major national partner for the next three years,” Wendy’s Warwick owner  John Somerville said.
“We’re urging our customers to really get behind this great cause – by wearing a bandanna you’ll be showing your support for young people living with cancer as well as raising vital funds to support the organisation and its efforts,” he said.
CanTeen’s mission is to support, develop and empower young people living with cancer by providing an Australia-wide peer support network for 12-24-year-olds.
Bandanna Day is a major fund and awareness raising event for the organisation and CanTeen bandannas will be available at Wendy’s for $4.
“CanTeen is aiming to sell one million bandannas this year and Wendy’s stores across the country will be doing everything possible to help them achieve this,” Wendy’s CEO Rob McKay said.
“At Wendy’s we see a lot of young people at our stores across the country – on both sides of the counter – so we’re big supporters of the work CanTeen does for young people in our community,” he said.