Free community workshops

Did you know that about 50 per cent of the domestic waste sent to landfill by the average Australian family each week could be composted?
Not only would this dramatically increase the life of landfills in the Southern Downs, it would make compost worms very happy.
Compost worms can eat up to half their bodyweight every day, and double their population every two to three months.
They are cheap to buy and the end product is great for feeding your garden.
You can find out more about composting and other waste management facts at two free workshops on composting, worm farming and recycling this month.
Southern Downs Regional Council invites you to learn more about better waste management at the Stanthorpe Civic Centre on Tuesday, November 15 and Warwick Library on Wednesday, November 16. Both workshops will be held from 9.30am to 11.30am.
The workshops will focus on composting and worm farming, including a worm farm set-up demonstration.
Information about the importance and benefits of recycling correctly and tips on other waste minimisation techniques will also be covered in the workshops.
Morning tea will be provided on both days and there will also be a compost bin or worm farm giveaway to one lucky participant.
Registrations for both workshops are essential, as numbers are limited.
To book for either of the workshops, contact Anna Ricketts on
(07) 3488 9660 or
Did you know…
• That, as well as composting fruit and vegetable scraps, you can also compost teabags, coffee grounds, egg shells, paper, hair and even vacuum cleaner dust?
• That you can recycle aerosol cans?
• That plastic bags cannot be recycled and are not accepted in your yellow-lidded recycling bin?
• That Australians use 3.9 billion plastic bags every year and dump more than 7000 plastic bags into landfill every minute?