Help save our food, water

With applications for mining permits on the rise, the Southern Downs Protection Group is calling for residents to stand up now before it’s too late and stop the potential devastating impacts this industry could have on the region.
About 20 concerned community members attended the group’s meeting last week at the Warwick Library, with one common view: this is not the time for complacency or expecting someone else to stand up for you.
Most of the discussion was centred on how to engage people to take a stand against mining in the Southern Downs region when this industry could threaten our food and water resources.
Attendees said that it’s not only coal mining and coal seam gas mining that could adversely impact our region, but mineral mining as well, which is of concern to the Stanthorpe area.
The Southern Downs Protection Group is calling for residents who can specialise in particular areas such as media, politics and the law, to assist the group in its efforts to lobby against mining in our region.
Volunteers who can help in distributing marketing material in their neighbourhood are also wanted.
The possibility of a petition against mining in populated areas was also discussed at the meeting.
Founding member Leeanne Undery will hold a street stall in Stanthorpe soon to raise awareness of the potential impacts of mining in that area.
After the meeting, the majority of attendees paid the $10 annual fee membership to join the group.
About $260 has now been raised to help cover the costs of advertising.
The next meeting of the protection group is scheduled for 7pm on Wednesday, December 14, at the Warwick Library.
All landowners and residents are welcome to attend. For more details or to join, contact the group via email at

Story: Rebecca Brown