USQ launches student centre

The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) launched a new initiative for the Southern Downs region on Friday, opening a student centre at the Queensland College of Wine Tourism.
More than 80 Southern Downs residents representing education, TAFE, the professions, business, industry, service clubs and support agencies celebrated the official launch with a dinner at the college.
In officially launching the student centre, Vice Chancellor Prof Bill Lovegrove said the initiative was consistent with the high value USQ placed on engaging and supporting its local communities.
Prof Lovegrove said the university had made a strong commitment and important investment in wine education at QCWT and was now leveraging that to provide a broader learning support service to the Southern Downs region.
“The USQ Student Centre will provide a first point of contact for both prospective and current USQ students, providing additional access to educational opportunities for the region,” Prof Lovegrove said.
“The student centre will help prospective students to enrol in USQ courses and will provide academic and personal support for students who are enrolled in USQ programs. The university also aims to deliver a number of entry programs in a face-to-face mode, including the Tertiary Preparation Program,” he said.
Queensland College of Wine Tourism chief executive officer John Neville has been a strong advocate for the student centre.
“It is most gratifying that, as an equity partner in QCWT, the University of Southern Queensland has recognised the opportunity to provide regional services from the college,” Mr Neville said.
“QCWT has worked closely with USQ to develop this initiative and will be fully involved in its delivery,” he said.
“Mrs Sharon Nehring, an experienced educator, has joined the QCWT staff as both coordinator of the student centre and academic lecturer.”
The USQ Learning Support Centre is inviting expressions of interest from people interested in enrolling in the Tertiary Preparation Program, which provides direct entry to Degree courses, for Semester 1, 2012.
Members of the community may also wish to make enquiries relating to the availability of courses, enrolment, eligibility or information related to upgrading qualifications, including post-graduate qualifications.
Mrs Nehring emphasised that the student centre is open for business.
“Current USQ distance students may access the student network and other USQ student services during business hours at QCWT,” she said.
“I would encourage USQ students to make use of this support service.”
Anyone interested in accessing any of the services mentioned above may contact Sharon Nehring, USQ Student Centre coordinator at QCWT on
(07) 4685 5050 or email