Major aspirations of our community in new plan

Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham believes the recently endorsed Southern Downs 2030 Community Plan articulates the major aspirations of the community.
Cr Bellingham said local residents took part in the community consultation process over the past six months to have their say in the development of the Community Plan, which is the most important council plan.
“A very large cross section of our community has worked together with the council to develop our vision for the future,” he said.
“The exercise in itself is about getting people to think about the future and I think that in itself is a worthwhile exercise.
“At the end of the day, there are a lot of words, but it does give officers in our council some guidance.
“We need to be prepared to modify the Community Plan over the term of its life (to incorporate our changing goals).”
Cr Bellingham said the plan included the desire to lift our socio-economic position by attracting higher skilled industries to the region to help keep our young people employed in the community.
“I think that is one of the principle goals that we need to pursue over the next few years.”
Setting up a university campus in the Southern Downs was also a top goal of the region, he said.
Cr Bellingham said other major aspects of the plan were to foster value-added industries to our rural produce and to attract research and development type industries to the Southern Downs.
A launch celebration is planned for February when the final designed and printed Southern Downs 2030 Community Plan document will be available for distribution and on the internet.
February will also mark the start of the implementation phase of the plan.
The development of a Community Plan for the Southern Downs region was a requirement of the Local Government Act.

Story: Rebecca Brown