Senator Sue Boyce visits Stanthorpe

An email conversation between the office of Senator Sue Boyce and local resident Mary Rofe resulted in an informal dinner party on Sunday night at O’Mara’s Hotel in Stanthorpe.
Ms Rofe was interested in the Senator’s stand on end of life care and euthanasia.
As the Senator said: “I am not in favour of assisted suicide/voluntary euthanasia”.
Senator Boyce highlighted the lack of a population-based palliative care strategy and funding issues as needs which must be addressed sooner rather than later.
She started a petition some months ago, which has collected more than 70,000 signatures and calls on the Commonwealth to provide more resources to improve the quality of palliative care in Australia.
Those interested in signing the petition can do so on the Senator’s website at
Senator Boyce toured the area on her way to speak at a Palliative Care Conference in Roma.
Throughout dinner, she participated in many discussions with the topics ranging from the Granite Belt Support Service’s need for a new facility, encouraging small business and farms, and the prevention of suicide, particularly amongst those on the land. Senator Boyce expressed dismay at the difficulties inherent under the current Federal Government and restated her commitment to working with the people closest to these needs to produce the best outcomes.
She also spoke of federal moves to have local government officially recognised in the Constitution.
This would lead to greater autonomy for local governments and direct access to federal funding in the future.