Significant milestone the Gap

The reconstruction at Cunningham’s Gap has reached a significant milestone, with major work now complete at seven of the 11 pavement reconstruction sites.
At least $40 million has been committed to reconstructing the Gap. No work is planned to be carried out over the holiday season, however, contractors will remain on site to monitor the road and ensure safe travel for road users.
Two lanes of traffic are open through the Gap, without stop/go traffic control. Some sections remain reduced to 40km/hr for safety.
Delays from recent wet weather mean the final pavement reconstruction at the sites west of Fig Tree Gully, Fig Tree Gully and Six Penny Gully will recommence on January 9. Changed traffic conditions, including single lane closures and stop/go traffic control will be in place at times for this work. These sites are expected to be complete by the end of January (weather permitting).
Work will also start at the remaining site at Clayton’s Gully, which was the most badly damaged. Work is due to start in February on a new stretch of road 600 metres long and four lanes wide.
The final asphalt repairs and resurfacing through the Gap is also planned to start on January 9, weather permitting, following the busy holiday period. It will be carried out as day works under intermittent short-term stop/go traffic control and is planned to be complete in February.
For up-to-date information on changing traffic conditions, visit  or call 13 19 40.
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