Power meeting

A community reference group may be established to engage community input into the controversial duplication of the Warwick to Stanthorpe 110kv Powerline.
State Member for Southern Downs Lawrence Springborg has asked Ergon Energy to establish the group so all the alternative routes can be looked at by community members.
Mr Springborg said community involvement was the best way to give residents a voice in this issue.
“Ergon has agreed to relook at other corridor alternatives. People are concerned that not all the alternatives have been looked out,” he said.
“This powerline is vitally important for our region but it’s also important that as many community issues are addressed.
“At the moment people feel like they’re in the dark. If you take the community into your confidence, you can work through the issues and get solutions.”
Mr Springborg said the powerline was about future proofing our electricity supply and giving an alternative supply if something went wrong with the existing line.
He said there had been issues in the past in regards to reliability and this duplication would also allow extra capacity if our region continued to grow.
A meeting will be held at 6.30pm Thursday at the School of Total Education (SOTE) Assembly Hall to discuss the matter.
Story: Rebecca Brown