Charity shoot for less fortunate

Flash Fotos is looking for someone living in Warwick and surrounds with a story to tell, someone who deserves a day of pampering as a result of life’s hardships knocking them down.
The Telstra award-winning professional photography studio is donating a photography and make-up package to the value of $875 to anyone in the Warwick area who is suffering as a result of financial hardship, illness, stress or loss or who has selflessly given back to their community or family at much personal cost to themselves.
The charity photo shoot, to be conducted by Flash Fotos’ mobile studio team between March 15 and March 27 in Warwick will consist of a free make over and styling session for one adult, a free photo session valued at $199 and three complimentary 8×12 professional artmount portraits valued at $675.
The photo shoot is all part of the company’s philosophy to “give back” to the community they are working in, something that company director Melanie Summer can personally relate to, having struggled as a single mother to build her business up from near bankruptcy.
“Sometimes life can be tough and circumstances can cause hardship or sadness that reflects in the way you feel and look on a daily basis. I know there were days when I found it particularly hard as a woman and a single parent to look at myself in the mirror and feel happy,” Ms Summer said.
“Our charity shoots are designed to not only boost self esteem through the magic of photography but also make people realise that they are truly beautiful, both inside and out – it’s all about transformation – allowing people to believe in themselves again by creating positive changes in their life,” she said.
Ms Summer’s life and business are testament to this simple fact, having turned around a $250,000 debt four years ago into a successful company that now employs 23 staff and services more than 5000 clients a year throughout Australia.
She was recently recognised for her amazing achievements with a 2011 Telstra Regional Business Award (Qld), an MYOB Small Business Award (Qld) and a National MYOB Small Business Award (for up to 20 employees).
To enter the draw for the Charity Photo Shoot, simply log on to Flash Fotos’ website at , click on “Promotions” at the top of the page and scroll down to “Charity Shoot”.
You will then find the conditions of entry as well as an email address where you can tell us your story or nominate someone you love!
Flash Fotos will contact nominees directly for more information (if required) and announce a deserving winner via email or phone just before the arrival of the mobile studio team.