Mally stands for Mayor

Mally McMurtrie sees herself as a genuine contender in the Mayoral race in the upcoming Southern Downs Regional Council Election, to be decided on Saturday, April 28.
Equipped with vast Local Government experience, business and management acumen and people skills, makes the current councillor a good all-rounder and frontrunner, with her common sense and compassionate approach to the broad issues that raise their head in a regional council the size of the Southern Downs.
Cr McMurtrie’s approach “You may not always get the answer you like, but you will be given the courtesy of receiving an answer” has stood her in good stead with the broader community and is just as passionate about finding a solution.
She cites having a good set of Aussie values and the will to work hard for the betterment of the community she serves as her best strengths.
She said she

  • Will deliver a balanced leadership style bringing dignity to the table
  • Will lead with passion and dedication for the whole region
  • Will serve, promote and progress our diverse region
  • Will make business decisions that strengthen our region as a whole
  • Will drive efficiency and reform to reduce waste and enhance the bottom line
  • Will preserve lifestyle and promote a safe community
  • Will review current service providers’ value for money
  • Will drive cultural change through the organisation
  • Will listen and engage through community consultation

She can be contacted on 0407 584 197 or email at