Busy day at the office

It was a busy day for RACQ CareFlight on Sunday, flying out to to three separate rescue missions in the South West.
First, the rescue helicopter was tasked to Miles to attend a 22-year-old male who had broken his neck while playing rugby union.
RACQ CareFlight Air Crewman Mark Arthur said the patient had been tackled awkwardly and sustained a serious injury to his neck.
“He has intermittent feeling in his hands but is lucky in that he has full feeling in his legs.
The medical crew estimates that if his break was just 2cm wider he could have been a paraplegic.”
After delivering this patient, the CareFlight crew were immediately tasked to Stanthorpe to airlift a 58-year-old lady who had fallen off a push bike, sustaining some serious head injuries.
Mark Arthur said the woman came off the bike at a high speed after going down a hill. She is pictured above alighting from the helicopter on arrival at PA Hospital.
The crew were then tasked to Tara to airlift a male in his 50s who sustained a head and eye injury after coming off his quad bike.
All the patients were airlifted to the PA Hospital in a stable condition.