Warwick women walk the world

The Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) not only supports women around Queensland but is involved in international support and projects.
The QCWA is affiliated with the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) along with 360 other member societies, from more than 70 countries worldwide.
The 20 branches in the Border Division all have an international officer who provides members with information as they study a different country each year.
In 2012, they are studying Chile, which avails members the opportunity to learn of the different cultures in other countries.
QCWA Border Division members were involved in the ACWW Women Walk the World, which is being held in April, to support projects that may relate to clean water, sanitation to offer women and their communities in other countries the chance to a better life.
Women Walk the World will be held in districts all over Queensland during April to coincide with ACWW Day on April 29.
Following the recent QCWA Border Division meeting, members embarked on the walk carrying their branch banners, from QCWA Border Division Rooms at 109 Fitzroy Street, Warwick, proceeded left down Fitzroy Street, turned right into Palmerin Street on left side to Grafton Street then down right side of Palmerin Street back to Fitzroy Street.
Donations were greatly appreciated with proceeds to projects that assist women in other countries.
QCWA members are supporting a project to supply 1000 birthing kits for women in East Timor.
The birthing kits will be distributed through Alola Foundation in Dili to birthing centres in the villages and outlying areas.
It has the sanction of the Department Of Health in East Timor and will be monitored by Alola Foundation members. This is the QCWA’s new project following on from supporting CWA Madang over the past year.
QCWA has been a member of ACWW since its beginnings in 1933.
ACWW has a membership of more than nine million people, working together to improve the quality of life for all people, relieve poverty and sickness, protect and preserve health and nutrition and advance education through friendship and projects worldwide.
The QCWA focuses its international efforts in the South Pacific Area.