Power dispute

Nearly 40 affected landowners met on Sunday to discuss the ongoing concerns that these residents have with the proposed duplication of the Warwick to Stanthorpe powerline.
Many of the attendees were members of the AWARE group, who relayed their concerns in relation to the possible effects the powerline could have on their health, property values, wellbeing and livelihoods.
A number of landowners from the Stanthorpe area attended the meeting.
Residents showed their unhappiness that a Community Reference Group (CRG) mooted in March is yet to be formed and that Ergon Energy appears to be dictating the terms of reference for this group.
The AWARE group has many questions about how the CRG will function.
A major concern is the liability that may be associated with the membership of the CRG. Who answers the technical questions for CRG members regarding electricity supplies, voltage and radiation emissions? Will CRG meetings be open or closed?
How does the CRG spread the word to the larger community? Why are the CRG discussions only directed to four proposed routes?
If you are an affected resident or a concerned citizen of the Warwick/Stanthorpe area contact Tony Maw on (07) 4661 7773 for details of future meetings of the AWARE group.
Concerned residents who make up the AWARE group are prepared to travel to the Stanthorpe area to address a landowners meeting if necessary.