Traditions passed on

At yesterday’s 97th anniversary of the landings at Gallipoli, civic and military leaders along with masses of residents and school children gathered across the region to commemorate Anzac Day.
Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham said those who attended Warwick’s 11am service witnessed the unique Fade Away Ceremony as something to behold on Anzac Day.
“The Fade Away Ceremony is symbolism of the old diggers passing the baton on to the younger generation to carry forward as they slow-march through the ranks of school children,” Cr Bellingham said.
Warwick’s program included a 5.30am Dawn Service at the Leslie Park Cenotaph, ceremonies at the War Graves Cemetery (9am) and Eden Gardens Memorial Park (9.30am) and the 11am service at the Cenotaph in Leslie Park.
Services were also conducted in Stanthorpe and many of the smaller communities within the Southern Downs including Killarney, Tannymorel, Yangan, Allora, Leyburn and