Get set for big auction action

The Allora community is anticipating another huge auction day at the Allora Showground on June 11, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee holiday.
As soon as 2200 items are listed for this auction, which is reported to be the largest in the Southern Hemisphere, bookings will be closed.
Since its start as a White Elephant Sale organised by Apex members to raise funds for the Allora community, the auction has evolved into a sale of massive proportions.
In 2008 the few remaining Apexians handed the reins over to the Allora Show Society, guiding them all the way.
Items are sold on commission if not donated and the profits are shared between the Show Society and all the organisations volunteering their services throughout the weekend.
Last year 27 local organisations received funds. About 200 volunteers assist over the three days.
The showground is amassed with items for sale on Saturday and Sunday, ready for auction on Monday.
Antiques, furniture, bric-a-brac, and a huge range of machinery and workshop equipment are up for grabs and can be viewed on Sunday, June 10, between 3pm and 4pm.
Twelve auctioneers working three at a time, share the workload throughout the day, which begins at 8am sharp.
About 1000 bidders try their luck to snare the bargains. Our iconic local event has reached such a level of popularity that Channel Seven had a film crew from ‘The Great South East’ in attendance in 2010.
This year they are offering flea market stall sites at $15/day so if you would like to book contact Wendy on (07) 4667 3778 or 0488 673 778.
EFTPOS (no cash out) will be available to pay for auction items on Monday.