Step back in time

On Saturday, Freestone will take a look back in time to the early 1900s when the community hummed with the sounds of steam trains and horses moving people and produce.
The hub of the community was the hall with its central location and facilities. There were no televisions or computers then.
Families gathered at the hall with suitcases full of food for the day picnics and evening dances.
From 10am Saturday at Freestone Hall you are invited to step back in time to share and celebrate the early years of Freestone settlement to mark its 150th anniversary.
They may not have suitcases of food but the local school’s P&C will provide a barbecue lunch, picnic races featuring the famous potato sack shuffle, the three legged race and egg and spoon dash for the children. Adults will not be forgotten with the gumboot toss.
There will also be bus tours of the district with a guide, local memorabilia on display, Mick Bradford’s heavy horse display and a model steam train of the early 1900s on show.
Old time dancing will take residents into the night.
For more details visit the website or contact Jill on
(07) 4666 1598.