Check-up for health services

One and a half per cent or 40 complaints made to the independent health watchdog in 2011 were about healthcare services in the Darling Downs region.
This figure is up on 2010, when 26 complaints were made about practitioners and healthcare organisations in this region.
The top three complaint issues for the region included 25 complaints about treatment, four complaints about communication and four complaints about access to healthcare. These figures were revealed in the Health Quality and Complaints Commission’s (HQCC) Annual Health Check 2011.
The Annual Health Check provides a snapshot of the common causes of Queenslanders’ healthcare complaints.
CEO Adjunct Professor Cheryl Herbert said the Darling Downs region figures were in line with state-wide statistics, which revealed most complaints (61 per cent) were about treatment.
“Complainants cited concerns about inadequate treatment or care, diagnosis, unexpected outcomes or complications, and wrong or inappropriate treatment,” she said.
“Communication issues concerned patients as well, and the majority of complaints in this area were about a healthcare provider’s attitude or manner,” Professor Herbert said.
Public hospitals were the most complained about healthcare organisations, with 62 per cent of complaints, followed by private hospitals (9.5 per cent) and medical centres with seven per cent.
Professor Herbert said this reflected the more complex case mix of healthcare services they provide.
Among registered healthcare practitioners, dentists and doctors attracted the most complaints. Professor Herbert said dentists and doctors provided more complex – and therefore higher risk – services than other providers, and were often viewed by patients as the people primarily responsible for their healthcare.
“It is important to recognise most complaints never make it to us – they are often resolved quickly and effectively between the consumer and the healthcare provider,” she said.
“We encourage consumers to try talking with their provider first if they have concerns. If a consumer is not satisfied with the provider’s response or feels uncomfortable approaching the provider, we’re here to help. Free call 1800 077 308.”
The HQCC’s Annual Health Check 2011, including a Darling Downs region snapshot, is available at
The HQCC is an independent body dedicated to improving the quality and safety of healthcare in Queensland. The HQCC works with healthcare providers, consumers and other agencies to prevent patient harm and improve healthcare quality.