Delicious new event melts into Jumpers and Jazz

The organisers of Jumpers and Jazz are excited to announce a delicious new event on the 2012 program.
Warwick Tourism & Events chief executive officer Tracy Vellacott said Like Chocolate for Women offers women the chance to warm their soul and enjoy a chocolaty afternoon of fun.
“The beautiful and talented Victoria Luppi will send us into a mellow state of mind with her jazz performance before our guest speaker, Kim Morrison, delivers a humorous but life-changing presentation on how to ignite the inner spark and create a positive ripple effect – a chocolate one if you please,” Mrs Vellacott said. “As women, we all strive to be the ‘best’ friend, sister, daughter, wife, mother, cook, home-manager and business woman, yet often we fill our cup to overflowing and forget about being our own best friend and nurturing our own needs. Well, Like Chocolate for Women is a warm remedy for this prevalent condition,” she joked.
As a five-times best-selling author, creative director of Twenty8 and a multi-tasking mum and wife, Kim Morrison could not be more qualified to offer advice on how to manage the juggle.
With Cliff Young as her mentor, she set a world record as the youngest female to run 100 miles in less than 24 hours, and still to this day lives by his ethos that success is 90 per cent mental and 10 per cent physical.
Kim has used her running story as a direct metaphor for life – riding the highs, hitting the walls, pushing through the pain barriers, understanding people, cross-ing the line and never, ever giving up! She believes combining your inner power and passion, applying your commitment and having truckloads of self-belief and people awareness is what distinguishes you as an achiever.
“It’s about visualising your dream and going for it – regardless of the feedback you receive or the challenges you face,” she said.
Like Chocolate for Women will be held in the Warwick Town Hall on Sunday, July 22, from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
Tickets are available from the Visitor Information Centre at a cost of $20. Those wanting a dose of ‘chocolate’ are urged to get in quick, as tickets will be limited.