New federal funding has led to the appointment of a dedicated after hours program manager, Tiana Gurney, who is gathering information about existing services across regional, rural and remote communities in South West Queensland.
“An initial survey has been released via the DDSWQ Medicare Local website.
“We will then be holding citizens’ juries and community forums throughout South West Queensland in October and November to hear from people working ‘at the coalface’ as well as anyone who would like to have their say about after hours health care,” Ms Gurney said.
Stage one of the plan for after hours services will also include responding to immediate priority areas.
Participation is encour-aged from a wide range of health professionals, community groups and people who can help provide a snapshot of after-hours needs in each region.
“The aim of the program is not to reduce current services, but to enhance them, taking some of the burden from GPs by providing further resources to these communities,” Ms Gurney said.
The program will not only be looking at GP services, but will include other health-related aspects such as pharmacists, bush nurses and the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
“We are looking to ensure that quality of care and standards are maintained throughout all communities,” she said.
Following the consult-ation process, formal agreements will be put in place, to align with the Federal guidelines that will come out in 2013 and form stage two of the program.
Anyone who would like to have their say regarding after hours services is invited to find more information on the DDSWQ Medicare Local website at ddswqmedicarelocal.com.au