Killarney State School gives back

Melinda Barling provides a donation to Helen O’Connell
Killarney State School was excited to hand over a special donation to Warwick BUSHkids last week. The school recently collected money through a raffle at their bush dance and raised enough funds to purchase a computer program that is specifically designed to assist children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Melinda Barling, support teacher at the school, said services such as BUSHkids were vital in providing assistance to those students, families and parents requiring specific support for their social, emotional, physical and educational development.
“Community partnerships are an important link, especially for those areas that are more geographically isolated.
“Over the past few years we have had many students and parents accessing this service, with positive outcomes. Students used their pocket money on the night to buy a 50-cent ticket, which also raised awareness of helping others,” she said.
The donation was gratefully accepted by Helen O’Connell, occupational therapist on behalf of Warwick BUSHkids during a recent visit to the school.