Coffee and cryptics

Joan Wylde and Joan Mutch at the session.

The public was invited to a Coffee and Cryptics session conducted by U3A Warwick at their Tooth Street premises as a contribution to the Seniors Week program.
The session conducted by Arthur Maynard for beginners attracted a number of novices.  The basic principles of Cryptics were explained before the group proceeded to solve two puzzles. Each clue was examined, with an explanation of how the answer responded to the cryptic clue.
The advanced group led by Jeane Klaudt shared the task of solving two more difficult puzzles and workshopped each clue for the explanations.
U3A Coffee and Cryptics sessions are conducted on the first and third Wednesday each month and experienced and novice puzzlers are welcome to share and develop their skills and knowledge.
This session was the first of six activities included in the Seniors Week program and being offered to the community as an introduction to U3A and its activities.
Information about U3A and activities is available from Arthur on 0447 612 449 or Erica on (07) 4667 0848.