The weather in the days leading up to the 50th Annual Rose Festival held last Friday in St Mark’s Parish Hall may not have cooperated, but the ladies of St Mark’s Women’s Guild voted the milestone event a great success, with a greater number of attendees at the Social Afternoon for many years.
Certainly the number of roses entered was significantly less than in recent years, but a colourful display was still evident and prizes were duly awarded in all sections, bar one.
Rev Barbara Diery welcomed everyone on behalf of the Parish and noted the great contribution that the Guild makes to Parish life, both in community outreach and fundraising to help with parish maintenance. She also complimented the ladies on the wonderfully decorated hall.
The Mayor, Cr Peter Blundell, congratulated the Guild on the golden anniversary and thanked them for upholding the theme of the Rose City. He presented the Southern Downs Perpetual Trophy to the winner of Section 1 Bowl of Roses to Joy O’Leary. Cr Blundell also presented cash prizes to Winsome Anderson and Vivian Bond who came 2nd and 3rd respectively. Mrs Katie Craymer represented the Warwick Credit Union, who sponsor the cash prizes in Sections 2 and 5.
Organisers were especially thrilled to have five former rectors and curates from back as far as the mid-1980s join them for the celebrations, accompanied by their wives. Former Guild members now living near Toowoomba and Allora also made the effort to attend and enjoyed the fellowship on the day. Messages of support were also received from older former Guild members and other former rectors who were unfortunately unable to attend.
To mark the occasion, a trophy cabinet was commissioned by the Guild and unveiled during the afternoon, with a dedication to past and present Guild members who have played a part in the Rose Festivals over so many years.