In support of Canteen and National Bandanna Day, which is on October 26, Renee and Zac Cooper will be selling bandannas outside BiLo this Saturday, October 20, from 9am to 2pm.
Renee has been a member of Canteen for 15 months, and Zac has only been a member for six months, but they have both received fantastic support from Canteen and they want to try and give something back.
Canteen’s mission is to support, develop and empower young people living with cancer. They provide an Australia-wide peer support network for 12- to 24-year-old (members), who are patients, siblings and offspring, or bereaved siblings and offspring.
Canteen give members the opportunity to simply be young people and get away from day-to-day pressures that come from living with cancer, in the hospital or at home. They offer a huge range of programs and services where members can meet other young members and share experiences, learn from others, make great friends and have some fun in the process.
The theme for this year’s National Bandanna Day is Show Cancer Who is Boss! Buy a bandanna, pen or pin from Renee and Zac on Saturday, outside BiLo and lets ‘Stick it to Cancer’.