Focus the child, the written word

Warwick locals, Jan Dugan and Jan Gudkovs, launched their first book, The Focused Child, in front of a gathering of community leaders, family and friends in Warwick recently.
Local Member Lawrence Springborg was on hand to officially launch the book, praising the authors for their practicality.
“It truly is a book of common sense and, looking at any part of The Focused Child, you can see that it is well written and a lot of time and effort have gone into its production,” Mr Springborg said.
The authors, Jan and Jan, poured praise on their patient families for their constant support throughout the preparations of the book.
The Focused Child blends sound, modern scientific research and knowledge with traditional systems of personal growth and yoga.
It discusses how to build children’s self-esteem, security and emotional stability and the impacts of concentration. Mr Springborg said that the book will help parents and professionals alike.
He acknowledged the presence of Babaji (pictured with Jan Gudkovs). Chairman of the Total Health and Education Foundation, Alex Gudkovs, said that G N Shirke Baba, from India, will be staying in Warwick for the next two years.