Rise in kids needing Pyjama Angels


A growing number of children living in foster care across the Southern Downs are actively seeking help with their education, but a shortage of willing adult volunteers has prompted an appeal from The Pyjama Foundation.

Warwick currently has four Pyjama Angels helping a number of children with reading, writing and arithmetic; while another twelve children from Allora, Warwick and Stanthorpe are on waiting lists.

Pyjama Foundation Too-woomba coordinator Helen Yo said foster children gained so much from one-on-one help with literacy and numeracy, as well as having another adult friend to spend time with.

Ms Yo said foster children often get a difficult start to their education and allowing interaction with an adult, including story time, can make a world of difference.

“The process for volunteers involves a training session to give some background on our program, as well as some helpful advice around reading and general learning skills,” she said.

“Volunteers do not need any other formal qualification, other than a love of books and a willingness to share this with children in foster care.”