Farmers urged to app-ly

A NEW smartphone app for graziers is set to make it much easier to determine stocking rates and the carrying capacity of any paddock.
The new app technology has the backing of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister, John McVeigh, who launched the app on Monday, 22 April.
The “Stocktake Plus” app has been developed after extensive industry consultation by the Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) with funding from Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA).
It is designed to be a practical, work-anywhere (including outside telephone range) solution.
Mr McVeigh has welcomed the app to the suite of online services now being provided to producers.
“New technology, and industry’s acceptance of it, is slowly but surely changing the way primary producers can do business,” Mr McVeigh said.
“Producers know their land and know their stock, but anything that can help them lift production and viability should be welcomed and embraced.”
MLA’s NRM Project Manager, Cameron Allan, said 25 per cent of producers were now on mobile devices and that number was growing.
“The Stocktake Plus app puts a property’s pasture records at your fingertips,” he said.
“The app gives you the ability to make informed on-the-spot decisions about stocking rates and paddock management – decisions that are essential to ensure longer-term condition and productivity of the grazing business.”
DAFF extension officer, Jane Pryor, led the development of the app, in conjunction with collaborator and beef industry consultant, Steve Banney.
“For a grazier standing in his or her paddock, the app uses GPS technology to assess and report the land type,” Ms Pryor said.
“Then, through a guided process, a grazier can use the app to monitor their soil, pasture and woodlands to come up with a recommended long-term carrying capacity and a seasonal forage budget.
“The app has a number of functions that such as tools to undertake a forage budget, monitor land condition, track stock numbers, and keep rainfall records.”
The Stocktake Plus app is available at or via the Apple and Android app stores.