Target for phone scammers

FEDERAL Member for Maranoa, Bruce Scott, says scammers are using the Southern Downs phonebook as a tool for their next pay packet, with dishonest people phoning residents wanting to know their bank details.
“Telephone scammers are on the prowl and are targeting the Southern Downs region at the moment, alleging the Federal Government wants to pay you more than $5000 and all you have to do is tell them your bank account details,” Mr Scott said.
“If you get this phone call, don’t do it. Hang up the phone.
“Please don’t disclose your bank account details over the phone.
“Scam artists deal in dishonesty, that’s their trade, so they might attempt to trick you by trying to seem legitimate by using your full name or quoting your address.
“Remember my golden rule: If it sounds too good to be true – it probably is.”
For more information check out the Scam Watch website, or phone the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on 1300 302 502.
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Beware of phone scammers

Bruce Scott’s golden rules for staying safe online and dealing with unsolicited phone calls:

  • If it sounds too good to be true – it probably is.
  • Never send money or give credit card or online account details to anyone you do not know and trust.
  • Always get independent advice if an offer involves significant money, time or commitment.
  • Do not agree to offers or deals straight away: Tell the person you are not interested or that you want to get some independent advice before making a decision.
  • Check your bank account and credit card statements when you get them. If you see a transaction you cannot explain, report it to your credit union or bank.