School lights up



MOTORISTS approaching the Warwick State High School will soon be reminded to check their speed and slow down, with the installation of flashing light warning signs.
Member for Southern Downs Lawrence Springborg said he was pleased Warwick State High was receiving the flashing lights next week, to alert motorists they’re approaching a school zone.
“This extra safety boost is particularly important for children at split campus schools, who may need to cross the street to access school facilities on opposite sides of the road several times each day,” he said.
“The Newman Government is committed to the safety of all Queenslanders on our roads – especially our littlest ones and flashing school lights will ensure an extra safety boost around school zones.”
Mr Springborg said the signs acted as an extra reminder for parents and other motorists of the dangers around school zones.
The lights will continually flash between 7am and 4pm to greater ensure motorists’ awareness.
The flashing lights program was announced by the Newman Government after more than 17,000 fines were issued in school zones during 2011 – an increase of 40 per cent in just two years.
Of a total 8131 fines issued between January and May 2012, a concerning 114 were motorists travelling at more than 30km/h above the speed limit.