Abbott visits New England

Abbott-visitOPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has been welcomed to New England by the Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor.
Mr Windsor is pleased to see the area receive so much attention from various political operatives.
“The Opposition Leader’s visit is clear evidence of the benefits of political competition,” Mr Windsor said.
“Mr Abbott’s visit today follows numerous visits each by the Prime Minister, the National Party Leader and the Greens Leader.
“New England voters have refused to be taken for granted by either of the two major city-based parties, and the result is this procession of party leaders and pouring of resources into the electorate,” Mr Windsor said.
Mr Windsor hopes Mr Abbott will take the opportunity to listen to local people during his visit.
“Mr Abbott has so far failed to comprehend the threat posed to agriculture by mining and Coal Seam Gas operations, but perhaps this visit will improve his understanding,” Mr Windsor said.
“Local people aren’t fooled by his claim that he doesn’t believe mining companies should be able to enter farmland uninvited, when in the next breath he admits that he wouldn’t actually do anything about it in government.
“Hopefully, Mr Abbott will also gain an understanding of the ability of the National Broadband Network (NBN) to overcome the disadvantages of distance and create opportunities in the country.
“With Tamworth facing the risk of having half the city connected to high-speed fibre-to-the-premises broadband and the other half connected to the Coalition’s inferior fibre-to-the-node service, a commitment by Mr Abbott to the superior technology would be most welcome,” Mr Windsor concluded.