Steam train pulls out

Southern Downs Steam Railway president and fitter John Brady, Murray Sondergeld and Garry Summerville were among many members who worked tirelessly on the C-17 steam engine.
Southern Downs Steam Railway president and fitter John Brady, Murray Sondergeld and Garry Summerville were among many members who worked tirelessly on the C-17 steam engine.

MONTHS of hard work has paid off for members of the Southern Downs Steam Railway, who drove a four-carriage steam engine into Toowoomba from Warwick recently.
The journey was the first of its kind for the group and Warwick resident Bob Keogh was given the honour of driving the train from Warwick to Clifton.
The train, a C17 -971, was considered one of the most versatile steam engines in the Southern Downs from 1920 to 1970.The journey followed many hundreds of man hours working on the old engine to ensure it was up to the challenge.
The train ride was a part of Mother’s Day and attracted more than 120 passengers eager to experience the train’s maiden voyage to Toowoomba.
Passengers said they were extremely happy with the journey.
The train will travel from Warwick to Wallangara on Sunday, 26 May, at 8am.
To book tickets, phone 4661 3530 or 4661 9788.