Check your load heights


AN alarming number of high-load collisions around powerlines has prompted a warning for truck drivers to check their load heights, according to Ergon Energy.
More than 19 high-load incidents involving power lines have occurred across regional Queensland so far this financial year – double for the same period last year.
The spike has prompted Ergon to launch an advertising blitz to remind truck drivers of their responsibilities.
“We are disturbed by this spike in high load incidents across the state,” general manager health safety and environment John Cass said.
“The reasons for the increase this year is not immediately evident, but the danger they present is a clear and present one.”
Ergon has quickly developed and deployed an advertising campaign for radio, along with informative posters for rest stop walls in an effort to get its message directly to truck drivers.
“We have had good success in recent years getting our “Look up and Live” message to targeted industry sectors,” Mr Cass explained, “and this is an extension of that strategy to tackle a problem that has emerged quickly.”
Ergon is urging truck drivers and transport companies to know the height of their load and stick to the rules around moving on public roadways and near powerlines.
If the load exceeds 4.6 metres in height a permit will be required from Ergon Energy to travel on most public roads or under any powerline infrastructure.
Permits can be organised by contacting Ergon on 131 046.