Where’s our road maintenance?


RIVERTREE Road resident Jack Clark says it’s only a matter of time before someone is injured or killed on the treacherous stretch of road which continues to fall into a state of disrepair.

Mr Clark, along with several others concerned Rivertree Rd residents; have for the second time in as many months raised concerns with the local Tenterfield Shire Council – only to receive no reply.
“Nothing has been done about restoring the signage, dealing with the erosion concerns and fixing the road,” he said.
“The signage is down along the road and the issue needs to be addressed.”
Tenterfield Shire Council’s engineer of roads and bridges Ralf Stoeckeler said more time was needed to assess Mr Clark’s concerns.
“I’m in the process of assessing Mr Clark’s complaint and will follow it up,” he said.
Mr Clark said his persistent calls and letters to council, one lodged in April, had fallen on deaf ears.
“Something needs to be done about the condition of this road, before someone is seriously injured or worse,” he said.