Scout help blaze new trail

SOUTHERN Downs Regional Council celebrated a unique project to mark the best route to reach Browns Falls at Killarney.

Venturer Scout Scott See worked with council’s Parks Co-ordinator John Newley to carry out the project as part of Scott’s work towards obtaining the Queen’s Scout award.
Over a period of four weekends Scott, helped by other scouts from the Glennie Heights Scout Group, worked on marking the best route to reach Browns Falls.
He marked the route one weekend, returned a second weekend (only to be flooded out), tweaked the route on a third weekend and then, finally, marked the route with round red plastic markers.
The markers show able-bodied people the best route to follow along the creek.
“There is no constructed footpath in this area and prior to marking the route it was possible to get disoriented or, in a worse case, to be injured, as happened to a parent on a Scout excursion some years ago,” explained David Tuxford, Director Business and Community Services.
“Our thanks go to Scott and the Scouts, who have done a fantastic job on this very worthwhile project. Council was very pleased to be able to assist them in their efforts,” Mr Tuxford added.
A sign showing the markers and explaining how to get to the falls will be in place on the pathway. Council provided the sign and the markers and Scott and other Scouts carried out the work.