Voters urged to enrol


THE Australian Electoral Commission wants to remind Southern Downs’ residents, who are not yet enrolled, that they have only one week to fulfil what is a legal obligation.
Voting is compulsory for every Australian citizen aged 18 years or older.
The AEC’s Peter Kramer said eligible voters have until 8pm Monday, August 12, to have their names added to an electoral roll.
They can do it either online or by collecting an enrolment form from a post office or an electoral commission office, he says.
More information can also be found at the AEC website (
“This is the one chance people get every three years to have a voice in who governs our country,” Mr Kramer said.
“And in Australia we have a fairly rare system in that enrolment and voting is compulsory on both counts.
“So basically, people are not just encouraged, but they are required to enrol to vote and to cast their vote.”
Mr Kramer says an estimated one in four young people who were eligible to vote were not yet on a roll.
“This is an important time for them, quite often they’re finishing school, going into uni, getting on with a new phase in their lives,” he said.
“Voting’s a habit. It’s one of those things that once you’ve done it once you will keep on doing it, so it’s important to get into the habit of voting.”