Best bulls at auction

CED Wise of Glenisa Angus believes that the 55 bulls, which will go under the hammer this Saturday (17 August) at the annual Glenisa sale, are the best line of bulls ever to be offered by the stud since its inception in 1994.

Mr Wise is a well respected breeder who is widely acknowledged as one of the country’s leading authorities on artificial breeding techniques.
“Our stud manager Ashley Burgess has done a great job in not only preparing the bulls for sale but having them in a condition that will allow them to go straight to work,” he said.
The Wise family of Glenisa Angus has a strong belief in the long-term viability of the cattle industry and lifelong commitment it. Mr Wise said he is very optimistic about the future of the industry despite coming through a particularly tough year.
That sense of optimism, and a lifelong commitment to the industry, is the driving force behind the decision to build a selling complex at the Glenisa home base south of Stanthorpe at Glen Aplin.
The complex newly constructed complex will be completed just in time for the 2013 sale this Saturday. This year Glenisa is offering 55 Black Angus bulls at the newly constructed complex.
This year’s draft which average over 800kgs includes both registered and commercial bulls.
Glenisa bulls have a reputation Glenisa for their excellent temperament and the consistent quality of their progeny.
Tasmanian breeder, Mr Ben Olbrich of Mont Bello Angus purchased Glenisa Epaulette at the 2011 Glenisa sale. His first season’s progeny are now an impressive crop of yearlings.
“They are structurally sound with the same fine shoulders and good loin of the bull.” Mr Olbrich said.
“I believe Glenisa bulls are a perfect example of what the Angus breeder is looking for in this economic climate.”
Recently respected Angus judge and breeder John Spencer looked over the Monto Bello draft and was very impressed by the consistency of the line and their outstanding temperament.
Local producer Todd Wilshire is another impressed with the performance of Glenisa bulls.
A first time buyers at last year’s sale, Mr Wilshire is full of praise for the Glenisa bulls.
He purchased Glenisa Fergus at last year’s sale and says,
“He is an outstanding bull, a real gentle giant. In his first season he has returned excellent calving percentages. His progeny are high quality calves with good birth weights, good muscle score and appear to have his temperament.”
A half brother to Mr Wilshire’s Glenisa Fergus, Lot 21 Glenisa Gillmeister QBVG205 is among this year’s draft.
All Glenisa sale bulls will be penned on the day prior to the sale for inspection. The sale commences at 11am at the Glenisa sale complex off Townsend Road Glen Aplin.