Calling all singles for a night of fun at Abbey of the Roses

Weddings are normally associated with Abbey of the Roses but this weekend they have changed their tactics and are hosting a Singles Night.
Owner Sonia Hunt often hears single people say that there is nowhere for them to meet other single people in Warwick.
If you are new to town you can join sporting and activity clubs, but most people are a couple and it can be very awkward.
If you have just become single and all your friends are couples – what do you do?  You can’t just hang around being the third wheel all night, not much chance of meeting someone that way.
If you don’t want to go on the internet, all that is left is the hotels and most men and woman aren’t comfortable with just walking up to a stranger and asking ‘Are you single?’ or getting into a conversation then have the girlfriend or wife walk over to ask what is going on.
So, the Abbey of the Roses thought they would have a ‘get together’ of only single people, in a no pressure fun night, starting with a few laughs whilst doing speed dating to get everyone relaxed and speaking one on one to someone for only three minutes.
Then everyone will have canapés and move to the long room for dinner; half the table will swap with another age appropriate table before dessert.  This way everyone gets to have a good old chat with a few other single people.
The Singles Night will be held this Saturday from 6pm. Bookings are essential and must be made by tomorrow morning.
Abbey of the Roses may have a regular get together for ‘singles only’.